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Alex Whelan*, Ragwa Elsayed, Alessandro Bellofiore, David C. Anastasiu. Selective Partitioned Regression for Accurate Kidney Health Monitoring. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2024. Contributions: research design, model development, data analysis, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 4.0.
   author  = {Alex Whelan and Ragwa Elsayed and Alessandro Bellofiore and David C. Anastasiu},
   title   = {Selective Partitioned Regression for Accurate Kidney Health Monitoring},
   journal = {Annals of Biomedical Engineering},
   month   = {Feb},
   year    = {2024},
   issn    = {1573-9686},
   note    = {Contributions: research design, model development, data analysis, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 4.0.},
Nivedha Balakrishnan, Rahul Katkar, Peter V. Pham, Taylor Downey*, Prarthna Kashyap, David C. Anastasiu, Anand K. Ramasubramanian. Prospection of Peptide Inhibitors of Thrombin from Diverse Origins Using a Machine Learning Pipeline. Bioengineering, 10(11), 2023. Contributions: research design, model development, data analysis, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 4.6.
   author  = {Nivedha Balakrishnan and Rahul Katkar and Peter V. Pham and Taylor Downey and Prarthna Kashyap and David C. Anastasiu and Anand K. Ramasubramanian},
   title   = {Prospection of Peptide Inhibitors of Thrombin from Diverse Origins Using a Machine Learning Pipeline},
   journal = {Bioengineering},
   volume  = {10},
   number  = {11},
   year    = {2023},
   issn    = {2306-5354},
   note    = {Contributions: research design, model development, data analysis, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 4.6.},
Yijia Li, Jonathan Nguyen*, David C. Anastasiu, Edgar A. Arriaga. CosTaL: an accurate and scalable graph-based clustering algorithm for high-dimensional single-cell data analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023. Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 13.994.
   author  = {Yijia Li and Jonathan Nguyen and David C. Anastasiu and Edgar A. Arriaga},
   title   = {CosTaL: an accurate and scalable graph-based clustering algorithm for high-dimensional single-cell data analysis},
   journal = {Briefings in Bioinformatics},
   month   = {05},
   year    = {2023},
   issn    = {1477-4054},
   note    = {Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 13.994.},
Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman, Archana Venkatachalapathy, Anuj Sharma, Jiyang Wang, Senem Velipasalar Gursoy, David Anastasiu, Shuo Wang. Synthetic distracted driving (SynDD1) dataset for analyzing distracted behaviors and various gaze zones of a driver. Data in Brief, 46:108793, 2023. Contributions: contributed to dataset capture protocols, developed evaluation criteria, implemented evaluation software. Impact factor: 1.2.
   author  = {Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman and Archana Venkatachalapathy and Anuj Sharma and Jiyang Wang and Senem Velipasalar Gursoy and David Anastasiu and Shuo Wang},
   title   = {Synthetic distracted driving (SynDD1) dataset for analyzing distracted behaviors and various gaze zones of a driver},
   journal = {Data in Brief},
   volume  = {46},
   month   = {Feb},
   year    = {2023},
   issn    = {2352-3409},
   pages   = {108793},
   note    = {Contributions: contributed to dataset capture protocols, developed evaluation criteria, implemented evaluation software. Impact factor: 1.2.},
Andrea Tagarelli, Ester Zumpano, David C. Anastasiu, Andrea Calì, Gottfried Vossen. Managing, Mining and Learning in the Legal Data Domain. Inf. Syst., 106(C), Elsevier Science Ltd., 2022. Contributions: assisted with journal manuscript reviews and editing the summary paper. Impact factor: 7.767.
   author     = {Andrea Tagarelli and Ester Zumpano and David C. Anastasiu and Andrea Calì and Gottfried Vossen},
   title      = {Managing, Mining and Learning in the Legal Data Domain},
   journal    = {Inf. Syst.},
   issue_date = {May 2022},
   volume     = {106},
   number     = {C},
   month      = {May},
   year       = {2022},
   issn       = {0306-4379},
   publisher  = {Elsevier Science Ltd.},
   address    = {GBR},
   note       = {Contributions: assisted with journal manuscript reviews and editing the summary paper. Impact factor: 7.767.},
Bipasa Bose, Taylor Downey*, Anand K. Ramasubramanian, David C. Anastasiu. Identification of Distinct Characteristics of Antibiofilm Peptides and Prospection of Diverse Sources for Efficacious Sequences. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 2022. Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 6.064.
   author  = {Bipasa Bose and Taylor Downey and Anand K. Ramasubramanian and David C. Anastasiu},
   title   = {Identification of Distinct Characteristics of Antibiofilm Peptides and Prospection of Diverse Sources for Efficacious Sequences},
   journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology},
   volume  = {12},
   year    = {2022},
   issn    = {1664-302X},
   note    = {Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: 6.064.},
David C. Anastasiu, Jack Gaul*, Maria Vazhaeparambil*, Meha Gaba*, Prajval Sharma*. Efficient City-Wide Multi-Class Multi-Movement Vehicle Counting: A Survey. Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation, 2(3):235-250, 2020. Contributions: co-advised student authors, co-wrote, edited, and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: N/A (new journal).
   author  = {David C. Anastasiu and Jack Gaul and Maria Vazhaeparambil and Meha Gaba and Prajval Sharma},
   title   = {Efficient City-Wide Multi-Class Multi-Movement Vehicle Counting: A Survey},
   journal = {Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation},
   volume  = {2},
   number  = {3},
   month   = {Dec},
   year    = {2020},
   issn    = {2523-3564},
   pages   = {235-250},
   note    = {Contributions: co-advised student authors, co-wrote, edited, and reviewed the manuscript. Impact factor: N/A (new journal).},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. Parallel cosine nearest neighbor graph construction. Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2017. Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: 1.815.
   author  = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title   = {Parallel cosine nearest neighbor graph construction},
   journal = {Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
   series  = {JPDC'17},
   year    = {2017},
   issn    = {0743-7315},
   note    = {Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: 1.815.},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. Efficient identification of Tanimoto nearest neighbors; All Pairs Similarity Search Using the Extended Jaccard Coefficient. Springer International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 4(3):153-172, 2017. Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: 1.241.
   author  = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title   = {Efficient identification of Tanimoto nearest neighbors; All Pairs Similarity Search Using the Extended Jaccard Coefficient},
   journal = {Springer International Journal of Data Science and Analytics},
   volume  = {4},
   number  = {3},
   month   = {Nov},
   series  = {JDSA'17},
   year    = {2017},
   issn    = {2364-4168},
   pages   = {153-172},
   note    = {Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: 1.241.},
David C. Anastasiu, Andrea Tagarelli. Document Clustering. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, pages 1-11, American Cancer Society, 2017. Contributions: literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: N/A.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Andrea Tagarelli},
   title     = {Document Clustering},
   journal   = {Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online},
   year      = {2017},
   pages     = {1-11},
   publisher = {American Cancer Society},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: N/A.},
David C. Anastasiu, Evangelia Christakopoulou, Shaden Smith, Mohit Sharma, George Karypis. Big Data and Recommender Systems. Novática: Journal of the Spanish Computer Scientist Association, 1(237):39-45, 2016. Contributions: literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: N/A.
   author  = {David C. Anastasiu and Evangelia Christakopoulou and Shaden Smith and Mohit Sharma and George Karypis},
   title   = {Big Data and Recommender Systems},
   journal = {Novática: Journal of the Spanish Computer Scientist Association},
   volume  = {1},
   number  = {237},
   month   = {October},
   year    = {2016},
   pages   = {39-45},
   note    = {Contributions: literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: N/A.},
David C. Anastasiu, Byron J. Gao, Xing Jiang, George Karypis. A novel two-box search paradigm for query disambiguation. World Wide Web, 16(1):1-29, 2013. Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact Factor: 0.653.
   author  = {David C. Anastasiu and Byron J. Gao and Xing Jiang and George Karypis},
   title   = {A novel two-box search paradigm for query disambiguation},
   journal = {World Wide Web},
   volume  = {16},
   number  = {1},
   year    = {2013},
   pages   = {1-29},
   note    = {Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact Factor: 0.653.},
Byron J. Gao, David Buttler, David C. Anastasiu, Shuaiqiang Wang, Peng Zhang, Joey Jan. User-Centric Organization of Search Results. IEEE Internet Computing, 17(3):52-59, 2013. Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: 0.758.
   author     = {Byron J. Gao and David Buttler and David C. Anastasiu and Shuaiqiang Wang and Peng Zhang and Joey Jan},
   title      = {User-Centric Organization of Search Results},
   journal    = {IEEE Internet Computing},
   issue_date = {May 2013},
   volume     = {17},
   number     = {3},
   month      = {May},
   year       = {2013},
   issn       = {1089-7801},
   pages      = {52-59},
   address    = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
   note       = {Contributions: developed algorithms, executed experiments, literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Impact factor: 0.758.},

Conference Proceedings

Yanhong Li*, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu. Learning from Polar Representation: An Extreme-Adaptive Model for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Eith AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Sixth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'24/IAAI'24/EAAI'24), AAAI Press, 2024. Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 23.75%.
   author    = {Yanhong Li and Jack Xu and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Learning from Polar Representation: An Extreme-Adaptive Model for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Eith AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Sixth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
   series    = {AAAI'24/IAAI'24/EAAI'24},
   year      = {2024},
   publisher = {AAAI Press},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 23.75\%.},
Yanhong Li*, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu. SEED: An Effective Model for Highly-Skewed Streamflow Time Series Data Forecasting. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (IEEE BigData 2023), IEEE Computer Society, 2023. Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 17.5%.
   author    = {Yanhong Li and Jack Xu and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {SEED: An Effective Model for Highly-Skewed Streamflow Time Series Data Forecasting},
   month     = {Dec},
   booktitle = {2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)},
   series    = {IEEE BigData 2023},
   year      = {2023},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
   address   = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 17.5\%.},
Yanhong Li*, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu. An Extreme-Adaptive Time Series Prediction Model Based on Probability-Enhanced LSTM Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Fifth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Thirteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'23/IAAI'23/EAAI'23), AAAI Press, 2023. Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 19.6%.
   author    = {Yanhong Li and Jack Xu and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {An Extreme-Adaptive Time Series Prediction Model Based on Probability-Enhanced LSTM Neural Networks},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Fifth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Thirteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
   series    = {AAAI'23/IAAI'23/EAAI'23},
   year      = {2023},
   publisher = {AAAI Press},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 19.6\%.},
Milind Naphade, Shuo Wang, David C. Anastasiu, Zheng Tang, Ming Ching Chang, Yue Yao, Liang Zheng, Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman, Meenakshi S. Arya, Anuj Sharma, Qi Feng, Vitaly Ablavsky, Stan Sclaroff, Pranamesh Chakraborty, Sanjita Prajapati, Alice Li, Shangru Li, Krishna Kunadharaju, Shenxin Jiang, Rama Chellappa. The 7th AI City Challenge. In 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), pages 5538-5548, 2023. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Milind Naphade and Shuo Wang and David C. Anastasiu and Zheng Tang and Ming Ching Chang and Yue Yao and Liang Zheng and Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman and Meenakshi S. Arya and Anuj Sharma and Qi Feng and Vitaly Ablavsky and Stan Sclaroff and Pranamesh Chakraborty and Sanjita Prajapati and Alice Li and Shangru Li and Krishna Kunadharaju and Shenxin Jiang and Rama Chellappa},
   title     = {The 7th AI City Challenge},
   month     = {June},
   booktitle = {2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)},
   year      = {2023},
   pages     = {5538-5548},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Arpita Vats*, David C. Anastasiu. Enhancing Retail Checkout through Video Inpainting, YOLOv8 Detection, and DeepSort Tracking. In 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), pages 5530-5537, 2023. Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Arpita Vats and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Enhancing Retail Checkout through Video Inpainting, YOLOv8 Detection, and DeepSort Tracking},
   booktitle = {2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)},
   year      = {2023},
   pages     = {5530-5537},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Alex Whelan*, Soham Phadke*, David C. Anastasiu. On-Device Prediction for Chronic Kidney Disease. In 2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) (GHTC 2022), pages 325-332, 2022. Contributions: supervised student authors, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Alex Whelan and Soham Phadke and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {On-Device Prediction for Chronic Kidney Disease},
   booktitle = {2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)},
   series    = {GHTC 2022},
   year      = {2022},
   pages     = {325-332},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Arpita Vats, Gheorghi Guzun, David C. Anastasiu. CLP: A Platform For Competitive Learning. In Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption, pages 615-622, Springer-Verlag, 2022. Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 28%.
   author    = {Arpita Vats and Gheorghi Guzun and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {CLP: A Platform For Competitive Learning},
   booktitle = {Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption},
   year      = {2022},
   pages     = {615-622},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   address   = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   location  = {Toulouse, France},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 28\%.},
Dorian Clay*, David C. Anastasiu. Expanding Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Learning. In The 2022 KDD Undergraduate Consortium (KDD-UC), 2022. Contributions: supervised student author, edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Dorian Clay and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Expanding Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Learning},
   month     = {July},
   booktitle = {The 2022 KDD Undergraduate Consortium (KDD-UC)},
   year      = {2022},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Raghav Kapoor*, Casey Nguyen*, David C. Anastasiu. InterpNet: Interpretability for Autonomous Driving Neural Networks. In The 2022 KDD Undergraduate Consortium (KDD-UC), 2022. Contributions: supervised student authors, edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Raghav Kapoor and Casey Nguyen and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {InterpNet: Interpretability for Autonomous Driving Neural Networks},
   month     = {July},
   booktitle = {The 2022 KDD Undergraduate Consortium (KDD-UC)},
   year      = {2022},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Arpita Vats*, David C. Anastasiu. Key Point-Based Driver Activity Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, pages 3274-3281, 2022. Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Arpita Vats and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Key Point-Based Driver Activity Recognition},
   month     = {June},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
   year      = {2022},
   pages     = {3274-3281},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
M. Naphade, S. Wang, D. C. Anastasiu, Z. Tang, M. Chang, Y. Yao, L. Zheng, M. Shaiqur Rahman, A. Venkatachalapathy, A. Sharma, Q. Feng, V. Ablavsky, S. Sclaroff, P. Chakraborty, A. Li, S. Li, R. Chellappa. The 6th AI City Challenge. In 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) (CVPRW'22), pages 3346-3355, IEEE Computer Society, 2022. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {M. Naphade and S. Wang and D. C. Anastasiu and Z. Tang and M. Chang and Y. Yao and L. Zheng and M. Shaiqur Rahman and A. Venkatachalapathy and A. Sharma and Q. Feng and V. Ablavsky and S. Sclaroff and P. Chakraborty and A. Li and S. Li and R. Chellappa},
   title     = {The 6th AI City Challenge},
   month     = {June},
   booktitle = {2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)},
   series    = {CVPRW'22},
   year      = {2022},
   pages     = {3346-3355},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
   address   = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Milind Naphade, Shuo Wang, David C. Anastasiu, Zheng Tang, Ming Ching Chang, Xiaodong Yang, Yue Yao, Liang Zheng, Pranamesh Chakraborty, Christian E. Lopez, Anuj Sharma, Qi Feng, Vitaly Ablavsky, Stan Sclaroff. The 5th AI City Challenge. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (CVPRW'21), pages 4263-4273, 2021. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Milind Naphade and Shuo Wang and David C. Anastasiu and Zheng Tang and Ming Ching Chang and Xiaodong Yang and Yue Yao and Liang Zheng and Pranamesh Chakraborty and Christian E. Lopez and Anuj Sharma and Qi Feng and Vitaly Ablavsky and Stan Sclaroff},
   title     = {The 5th AI City Challenge},
   month     = {June},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
   series    = {CVPRW'21},
   year      = {2021},
   pages     = {4263-4273},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Milind Naphade, Shuo Wang, David C. Anastasiu, Zheng Tang, Ming Ching Chang, Xiaodong Yang, Liang Zheng, Anuj Sharma, Rama Chellappa, Pranamesh Chakraborty. The 4th AI City Challenge. In The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (CVPRW'20), 1:2665-2674, 2020. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Milind Naphade and Shuo Wang and David C. Anastasiu and Zheng Tang and Ming Ching Chang and Xiaodong Yang and Liang Zheng and Anuj Sharma and Rama Chellappa and Pranamesh Chakraborty},
   title     = {The 4th AI City Challenge},
   volume    = {1},
   month     = {June},
   booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
   series    = {CVPRW'20},
   year      = {2020},
   pages     = {2665-2674},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Anupama Upadhayula*, Avinash Ravilla*, Ishwarya Varadarajan*, Sowmya Viswanathan*, David C. Anastasiu. Study Area Recommendation via Network Log Analytics. In The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (MCCSE 2019), IEEE, 2019. Contributions: supervised student authors, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Anupama Upadhayula and Avinash Ravilla and Ishwarya Varadarajan and Sowmya Viswanathan and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Study Area Recommendation via Network Log Analytics},
   month     = {April},
   booktitle = {The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering},
   series    = {MCCSE 2019},
   year      = {2019},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   location  = {San Francisco East Bay, California, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Shuai Hua*, David C. Anastasiu. Effective Vehicle Tracking Algorithm for Smart Traffic Networks. In Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (SOSE 2019), IEEE, 2019. Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 28%.
   author    = {Shuai Hua and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Effective Vehicle Tracking Algorithm for Smart Traffic Networks},
   month     = {April},
   booktitle = {Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE)},
   series    = {SOSE 2019},
   year      = {2019},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   location  = {San Francisco East Bay, California, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 28\%.},
Zheng Tang, Milind Naphade, Ming Yu Liu, Xiaodong Yang, Stan Birchfield, Shuo Wang, Ratnesh Kumar, David C. Anastasiu, Jenq Neng Hwang. CityFlow: A city-scale benchmark for multi-target multi-camera vehicle tracking and re-identification. In CVPR 2019: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019), 2019. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation system, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 25.2%.
   author    = {Zheng Tang and Milind Naphade and Ming Yu Liu and Xiaodong Yang and Stan Birchfield and Shuo Wang and Ratnesh Kumar and David C. Anastasiu and Jenq Neng Hwang},
   title     = {CityFlow: A city-scale benchmark for multi-target multi-camera vehicle tracking and re-identification},
   booktitle = {CVPR 2019: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
   series    = {CVPR 2019},
   year      = {2019},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation system, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 25.2\%.},
Manika Kapoor*, David C. Anastasiu. A Data-Driven Approach for Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Data Science -- Analytics and Applications (iDSC 2019), Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019. Contributions: supervised student author, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Manika Kapoor and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {A Data-Driven Approach for Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders},
   booktitle = {Data Science -- Analytics and Applications},
   series    = {iDSC 2019},
   year      = {2019},
   publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
   address   = {Wiesbaden},
   location  = {Salzburg, Austria},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Saloni Mohan*, Sahitya Mullapudi*, Sudheer Sammeta*, Parag Vijayvergia*, David C. Anastasiu. Stock Price Prediction using News Sentiment Analysis. In 2019 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService) (BDS 2019), IEEE, 2019. Contributions: supervised student authors, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 19.5%.
   author    = {Saloni Mohan and Sahitya Mullapudi and Sudheer Sammeta and Parag Vijayvergia and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Stock Price Prediction using News Sentiment Analysis},
   month     = {April},
   booktitle = {2019 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService)},
   series    = {BDS 2019},
   year      = {2019},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   location  = {San Francisco East Bay, California, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 19.5\%.},
Milind Naphade, Zheng Tang, Ming Ching Chang, David C. Anastasiu, Anuj Sharma, Rama Chellappa, Shuo Wang, Pranamesh Chakraborty, Tingting Huang, Jenq Neng Hwang, Siwei Lyu. The 2019 AI City Challenge. In The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (CVPRW'19), 1:452-460, 2019. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Milind Naphade and Zheng Tang and Ming Ching Chang and David C. Anastasiu and Anuj Sharma and Rama Chellappa and Shuo Wang and Pranamesh Chakraborty and Tingting Huang and Jenq Neng Hwang and Siwei Lyu},
   title     = {The 2019 AI City Challenge},
   volume    = {1},
   month     = {June},
   booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
   series    = {CVPRW'19},
   year      = {2019},
   pages     = {452-460},
   location  = {Long Beach, CA, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Swapnil Gaikwad*, Melody Moh, David C. Anastasiu. Data Structure for Efficient Line of Sight Queries. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'18), ACM, 2018. Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 18%.
   author    = {Swapnil Gaikwad and Melody Moh and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Data Structure for Efficient Line of Sight Queries},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
   series    = {CIKM'18},
   year      = {2018},
   publisher = {ACM},
   address   = {New York, NY, USA},
   location  = {Turin, Italy},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 18\%.},
Manika Kapoor*, Shuai Hua*, David C. Anastasiu. Improving Student Motivation through Competitive Active Learning. In 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2018), IEEE, 2018. Contributions: supervised student authors, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20%.
   author    = {Manika Kapoor and Shuai Hua and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Improving Student Motivation through Competitive Active Learning},
   month     = {October},
   booktitle = {2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference},
   series    = {FIE 2018},
   year      = {2018},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   location  = {San Jose, CA, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20\%.},
Milind Naphade, Ming Ching Chang, Anuj Sharma, David C. Anastasiu, Vamsi Jagarlamudi, Pranamesh Chakraborty, Tingting Huang, Shuo Wang, Ming Yu Liu, Rama Chellappa, Jenq Neng Hwang, Siwei Lyu. The 2018 NVIDIA AI City Challenge. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW'18), 1:53-60, 2018. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Milind Naphade and Ming Ching Chang and Anuj Sharma and David C. Anastasiu and Vamsi Jagarlamudi and Pranamesh Chakraborty and Tingting Huang and Shuo Wang and Ming Yu Liu and Rama Chellappa and Jenq Neng Hwang and Siwei Lyu},
   title     = {The 2018 NVIDIA AI City Challenge},
   volume    = {1},
   month     = {July},
   booktitle = {2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops},
   series    = {CVPRW'18},
   year      = {2018},
   pages     = {53-60},
   location  = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Shuai Hua*, Manika Kapoor*, David C. Anastasiu. Vehicle Tracking and Speed Estimation from Traffic Videos. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW'18), 1:153-1537, 2018. Contributions: supervised student authors, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Shuai Hua and Manika Kapoor and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Vehicle Tracking and Speed Estimation from Traffic Videos},
   volume    = {1},
   month     = {July},
   booktitle = {2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops},
   series    = {CVPRW'18},
   year      = {2018},
   pages     = {153-1537},
   location  = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
David C. Anastasiu. Cosine Approximate Nearest Neighbors. In Data Science -- Analytics and Applications (iDSC 2017), pages 45-50, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Cosine Approximate Nearest Neighbors},
   booktitle = {Data Science -- Analytics and Applications},
   series    = {iDSC 2017},
   year      = {2017},
   pages     = {45-50},
   publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
   address   = {Wiesbaden},
   location  = {Salzburg, Austria},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Swapnil Gaikwad*, David C. Anastasiu. Optimal Constrained Wireless Emergency Network Antenna Placement. In Proceedings of the IEEE Smart City Innovations 2017 Conference (IEEE SCI 2017), 2017. Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Swapnil Gaikwad and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Optimal Constrained Wireless Emergency Network Antenna Placement},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Smart City Innovations 2017 Conference},
   series    = {IEEE SCI 2017},
   year      = {2017},
   location  = {San Francisco Bay Area, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Milind Naphade, David C. Anastasiu, Anuj Sharma, Vamsi Jagrlamudi, Hyeron Jeon, Kaikai Liu, Ming Ching Chang, Siwei Lyu, Zeyu Gao. The NVIDIA AI City Challenge. In 2017 IEEE SmartWorld Conference (SmartWorld'17), IEEE, 2017. Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Milind Naphade and David C. Anastasiu and Anuj Sharma and Vamsi Jagrlamudi and Hyeron Jeon and Kaikai Liu and Ming Ching Chang and Siwei Lyu and Zeyu Gao},
   title     = {The NVIDIA AI City Challenge},
   booktitle = {2017 IEEE SmartWorld Conference},
   series    = {SmartWorld'17},
   year      = {2017},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   address   = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
   location  = {East Bay Silicon Valley, CA, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: developed evaluation strategy, implemented evaluation systems, helped organize challenge and workshop, co-wrote and edited summary paper. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
Niveditha Bhandary*, Charles MacKay*, Alex Richards*, Ji Tong*, David C. Anastasiu. Robust Classification of City Roadway Objects for Traffic Related Applications. In 2017 IEEE Smart World NVIDIA AI City Challenge (SmartWorld'17), IEEE, 2017. Contributions: supervised student authors, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Niveditha Bhandary and Charles MacKay and Alex Richards and Ji Tong and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Robust Classification of City Roadway Objects for Traffic Related Applications},
   booktitle = {2017 IEEE Smart World NVIDIA AI City Challenge},
   series    = {SmartWorld'17},
   year      = {2017},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   address   = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
   location  = {East Bay Silicon Valley, CA, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: supervised student authors, co-developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. Efficient Identification of Tanimoto Nearest Neighbors. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (DSAA'16), pages 156-165, 2016. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20.2%. Best Research Paper Award.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title     = {Efficient Identification of Tanimoto Nearest Neighbors},
   booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA)},
   series    = {DSAA'16},
   year      = {2016},
   pages     = {156-165},
   location  = {Montréal, Canada},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20.2\%. Best Research Paper Award.},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. Fast Parallel Cosine K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction. In 2016 6th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architecture and Algorithms (IA3) (IA3 2016), pages 50-53, 2016. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 48.3%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title     = {Fast Parallel Cosine K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction},
   month     = {Nov},
   booktitle = {2016 6th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architecture and Algorithms (IA3)},
   series    = {IA3 2016},
   year      = {2016},
   pages     = {50-53},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 48.3\%.},
David C. Anastasiu. SC16 Early Career Workshop. 2016. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing)
   author  = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title   = {SC16 Early Career Workshop},
   year    = {2016},
   date    = {2016-11-14},
   address = {Salt Lake City, UT},
   note    = {The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing)},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. L2Knng: Fast Exact K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction with L2-Norm Pruning. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'15), pages 791-800, ACM, 2015. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 26%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title     = {L2Knng: Fast Exact K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction with L2-Norm Pruning},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
   series    = {CIKM'15},
   year      = {2015},
   pages     = {791-800},
   publisher = {ACM},
   address   = {New York, NY, USA},
   location  = {Melbourne, Australia},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 26\%.},
David C. Anastasiu, Al M. Rashid, Andrea Tagarelli, George Karypis. Understanding Computer Usage Evolution. In 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2015), pages 1549-1560, 2015. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 25%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Al M. Rashid and Andrea Tagarelli and George Karypis},
   title     = {Understanding Computer Usage Evolution},
   booktitle = {31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering},
   series    = {ICDE 2015},
   year      = {2015},
   pages     = {1549-1560},
   location  = {Seoul, Korea},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 25\%.},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. PL2AP: Fast Parallel Cosine Similarity Search. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms, in conjunction with SC'15 (IA3 2015), pages 1-8, ACM, 2015. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 58.3%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title     = {PL2AP: Fast Parallel Cosine Similarity Search},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms, in conjunction with SC'15},
   series    = {IA3 2015},
   year      = {2015},
   pages     = {1-8},
   publisher = {ACM},
   address   = {New York, NY, USA},
   location  = {Austin, TX, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 58.3\%.},
David C. Anastasiu, Byron J. Gao, David Buttler. ClusteringWiki: personalized and collaborative clustering of search results. In The 34th ACM SIGIR International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2011), pages 1263-1264, 2011. Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Byron J. Gao and David Buttler},
   title     = {ClusteringWiki: personalized and collaborative clustering of search results},
   booktitle = {The 34th ACM SIGIR International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
   series    = {SIGIR 2011},
   year      = {2011},
   pages     = {1263-1264},
   location  = {Beijing, China},
   note      = {Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20\%.},
David C. Anastasiu, Byron J. Gao, David Buttler. A Framework for Personalized and Collaborative Clustering of Search Results. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'11), pages 573-582, ACM, 2011. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 25%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Byron J. Gao and David Buttler},
   title     = {A Framework for Personalized and Collaborative Clustering of Search Results},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
   series    = {CIKM'11},
   year      = {2011},
   pages     = {573-582},
   publisher = {ACM},
   address   = {New York, NY, USA},
   location  = {Glasgow, Scotland, UK},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 25\%.},
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. L2AP: Fast Cosine Similarity Search With Prefix L-2 Norm Bounds. In The 30th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2014), pages 784-795, 2014. Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20%.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title     = {L2AP: Fast Cosine Similarity Search With Prefix L-2 Norm Bounds},
   booktitle = {The 30th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering},
   series    = {ICDE 2014},
   year      = {2014},
   pages     = {784-795},
   location  = {Chicago, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: literature survey, developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 20\%.},
Byron J. Gao, David C. Anastasiu, Xing Jiang. Utilizing User-input Contextual Terms for Query Disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Posters (COLING'10), pages 329-337, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010. Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 41%.
   author    = {Byron J. Gao and David C. Anastasiu and Xing Jiang},
   title     = {Utilizing User-input Contextual Terms for Query Disambiguation},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Posters},
   series    = {COLING'10},
   year      = {2010},
   pages     = {329-337},
   publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
   address   = {Stroudsburg, PA, USA},
   location  = {Beijing, China},
   note      = {Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 41\%.},
Byron J. Gao, Mingji Xia, Walter Cai, David C. Anastasiu. The Gardener's Problem for Web Information Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'09), pages 1525-1528, ACM, 2009. Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 15%.
   author    = {Byron J. Gao and Mingji Xia and Walter Cai and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {The Gardener's Problem for Web Information Monitoring},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
   series    = {CIKM'09},
   year      = {2009},
   pages     = {1525-1528},
   publisher = {ACM},
   address   = {New York, NY, USA},
   location  = {Hong Kong, China},
   note      = {Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: 15\%.},
Walter Cai, David C. Anastasiu, Mingji Xia, Byron J. Gao. OLAP For Multicriteria Maintenance Scheduling. In The 5th International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'09), pages 35-41, CSREA Press, 2009. Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.
   author    = {Walter Cai and David C. Anastasiu and Mingji Xia and Byron J. Gao},
   title     = {OLAP For Multicriteria Maintenance Scheduling},
   booktitle = {The 5th International Conference on Data Mining},
   series    = {DMIN'09},
   year      = {2009},
   date      = {2009-10-28},
   pages     = {35-41},
   publisher = {CSREA Press},
   location  = {Las Vegas, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: co-developed and implemented algorithms, performed experiments, co-wrote and edited manuscript. Acceptance rate: N/A.},

Book Chapters

Evangelia Christakopoulou, Shaden Smith, Mohit Sharma, Alex Richards*, David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. Scalability and Distribution of Collaborative Recommenders. In Collaborative Recommendations: Algorithms, Practical Challenges and Applications (CR2019), World Scientific Publishing, 2019. Contributions: organized project, co-developed literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author    = {Evangelia Christakopoulou and Shaden Smith and Mohit Sharma and Alex Richards and David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis},
   title     = {Scalability and Distribution of Collaborative Recommenders},
   month     = {April},
   booktitle = {Collaborative Recommendations: Algorithms, Practical Challenges and Applications},
   series    = {CR2019},
   year      = {2019},
   publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
   address   = {Singapore},
   note      = {Contributions: organized project, co-developed literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript.},
David C. Anastasiu, Jeremy Iverson, Shaden Smith, George Karypis. Big Data Frequent Pattern Mining. In Frequent Pattern Mining, pages 225-260, Springer International Publishing, 2014. Contributions: organized project, co-developed literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Jeremy Iverson and Shaden Smith and George Karypis},
   title     = {Big Data Frequent Pattern Mining},
   booktitle = {Frequent Pattern Mining},
   year      = {2014},
   pages     = {225-260},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
   address   = {Switzerland},
   note      = {Contributions: organized project, co-developed literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript.},
David C. Anastasiu, Andrea Tagarelli, George Karypis. Document Clustering: The Next Frontier. In Data Clustering: Algorithms and Applications, pages 305-338, CRC Press, 2013. Contributions: organized project, co-developed literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Andrea Tagarelli and George Karypis},
   title     = {Document Clustering: The Next Frontier},
   booktitle = {Data Clustering: Algorithms and Applications},
   year      = {2013},
   pages     = {305-338},
   publisher = {CRC Press},
   address   = {Boca Raton, FL, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: organized project, co-developed literature survey, co-wrote and edited manuscript.},

Technical Reports

Yanhong Li*, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu. Learning from Polar Representation: An Extreme-Adaptive Model for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting. 2023. Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author = {Yanhong Li and Jack Xu and David C. Anastasiu},
   title  = {Learning from Polar Representation: An Extreme-Adaptive Model for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting},
   number = {2312.08763},
   year   = {2023},
   note   = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript.},
Yijia Li, Jonathan Nguyen*, David C. Anastasiu, Edgar A. Arriaga. CosTaL: An Accurate and Scalable Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm for High-Dimensional Single-Cell Data Analysis. bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2022. Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript.
   author    = {Yijia Li and Jonathan Nguyen and David C. Anastasiu and Edgar A. Arriaga},
   title     = {CosTaL: An Accurate and Scalable Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm for High-Dimensional Single-Cell Data Analysis},
   journal   = {bioRxiv},
   series    = {bioRxiv'22},
   year      = {2022},
   publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
   note      = {Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript.},
Yanhong Li*, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu. An Extreme-Adaptive Time Series Prediction Model Based on Probability-Enhanced LSTM Neural Networks. 2022. Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author = {Yanhong Li and Jack Xu and David C. Anastasiu},
   title  = {An Extreme-Adaptive Time Series Prediction Model Based on Probability-Enhanced LSTM Neural Networks},
   number = {2211.15891},
   year   = {2022},
   note   = {Contributions: supervised student author, co-wrote and edited manuscript.},
Bipasa Bose, Taylor Downey*, Anand K. Ramasubramanian, David C. Anastasiu. Identification of distinct characteristics of antibiofilm peptides and prospection of diverse sources for efficacious sequences. bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2021. Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript.
   author    = {Bipasa Bose and Taylor Downey and Anand K. Ramasubramanian and David C. Anastasiu},
   title     = {Identification of distinct characteristics of antibiofilm peptides and prospection of diverse sources for efficacious sequences},
   journal   = {bioRxiv},
   series    = {bioRxiv'21},
   year      = {2021},
   publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
   note      = {Contributions: helped develop the algorithms, co-advised student authors, co-wrote and reviewed the manuscript.},
Manika Kapoor*, David C. Anastasiu. A Data-Driven Approach for Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2019. Contributions: supervised student author, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author = {Manika Kapoor and David C. Anastasiu},
   title  = {A Data-Driven Approach for Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders},
   number = {2019-1},
   year   = {2019},
   note   = {Contributions: supervised student author, developed algorithms, co-wrote and edited manuscript.},
David J. Buttler, David Andrzejewski, Keith D. Stevens, David C. Anastasiu, Byron J. Gao. Rapid Exploitation and Analysis of Documents. 2011. Contributions: co-wrote and edited manuscript.
   author = {David J. Buttler and David Andrzejewski and Keith D. Stevens and David C. Anastasiu and Byron J. Gao},
   title  = {Rapid Exploitation and Analysis of Documents},
   number = {LLNL-TR-517731},
   year   = {2011},
   note   = {Contributions: co-wrote and edited manuscript.},

Tutorials, Keynotes, and Invited Talks

David C. Anastasiu. The AI Revolution of Traffic Analytics. The 4th Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference, San Jose, CA, 2023-05-18.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {The AI Revolution of Traffic Analytics},
   year     = {2023},
   date     = {2023-05-18},
   location = {The 4th Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference, San Jose, CA},
   note     = {Talk at the the 4th Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference (SVCC), San Jose, CA. May 18, 2023},
David C. Anastasiu. The Joys of Working with Data. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 2023-04-06.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {The Joys of Working with Data},
   year     = {2023},
   date     = {2023-04-06},
   location = {UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA},
   note     = {Talk at the Breaking Into Research event, part of the Big Data at Berkeley Speaker Series, at UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. Apr 6, 2023},
David C. Anastasiu, Huzefa Rangwala, Andrea Tagarelli. Tutorial: Are You My Neighbor? Bringing Order to Neighbor Computing Problems. In The 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'19), ACM. Anchorage, AK, USA, 2019-08-04.
   author    = {David C. Anastasiu and Huzefa Rangwala and Andrea Tagarelli},
   title     = {Are You My Neighbor? Bringing Order to Neighbor Computing Problems.},
   booktitle = {The 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
   series    = {KDD'19},
   year      = {2019},
   date      = {2019-08-04},
   publisher = {ACM},
   address   = {New York, NY, USA},
   location  = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
   note      = {Contributions: Co-developed tutorial, co-wrote tutorial paper. Tutorial presented at KDD'19, Aug 04, 2019.},
David C. Anastasiu. Keynote: The AI Data Revolution: Doing More With Less Data Labeling. 2nd International Data Science Conference 2019, Salzburg, Austria, 2019-05-22.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {The AI Data Revolution: Doing More With Less Data Labeling},
   year     = {2019},
   date     = {2019-05-22},
   location = {2nd International Data Science Conference 2019, Salzburg, Austria},
   note     = {Keynote at the 2nd International Data Science Conference 2019, Salzburg, Austria. May 22, 2019},
David C. Anastasiu. Keynote: The Biomedical AI Revolution. 10th Annual Bay Area Biomedical Device Conference, San José, CA, 2019-04-03.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {The Biomedical AI Revolution},
   year     = {2019},
   date     = {2019-04-03},
   location = {10th Annual Bay Area Biomedical Device Conference, San José, CA},
   note     = {Keynote at the 10th Annual Bay Area Biomedical Device Conference, San José, CA. Apr 03, 2019},
David C. Anastasiu. Fireside Chat on Current Trends in Machine Learning. IBM Machine Learning Hub, San José, CA, 2018-09-25.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {Fireside Chat on Current Trends in Machine Learning},
   year     = {2018},
   date     = {2018-09-25},
   location = {IBM Machine Learning Hub, San José, CA},
   note     = {Talk at IBM Machine Learning Hub, San José, CA. Sep 25, 2018},
Alessandro Bellofiore, Ragwa Elsayed*, David C. Anastasiu, Rathna Ramesh*. A novel image-based creatinine monitor for chronic kidney disease. Dublin, Ireland, 2018-07-11.
   author   = {Alessandro Bellofiore and Ragwa Elsayed and David C. Anastasiu and Rathna Ramesh},
   title    = {A novel image-based creatinine monitor for chronic kidney disease},
   year     = {2018},
   date     = {2018-07-11},
   location = {Dublin, Ireland},
   note     = {Talk by Alessandro Bellofiore at the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, held in Dublin, Ireland.},
David C. Anastasiu. Efficient Neighborhood Graph Construction for Sparse High Dimensional Data. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 2017-02-08.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {Efficient Neighborhood Graph Construction for Sparse High Dimensional Data},
   year     = {2017},
   date     = {2017-02-08},
   location = {Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA},
   note     = {Talk at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, Feb 08, 2017},


Arpita Vats*, Gheorghe Guzun, David C. Anastasiu. CLP: A Platform for Competitive Learning. 2023. Poster presented by Arpita Vats at the 2023 School of Engineering Research Showcase, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. Third-place poster presentations winner in the Ph.D./Post-doc category.
   author   = {Arpita Vats and Gheorghe Guzun and David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {CLP: A Platform for Competitive Learning},
   year     = {2023},
   date     = {2023-02-24},
   location = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented by Arpita Vats at the 2023 School of Engineering Research Showcase, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. Third-place poster presentations winner in the Ph.D./Post-doc category.},
Yanhong Li*, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu. An Extreme-Adaptive Time Series Prediction Model Based on Probability-Enhanced LSTM Neural Networks. 2023. Poster presented by Yanhong Li at the 2023 School of Engineering Research Showcase, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.
   author   = {Yanhong Li and Jack Xu and David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {An Extreme-Adaptive Time Series Prediction Model Based on Probability-Enhanced LSTM Neural Networks},
   year     = {2023},
   date     = {2023-02-24},
   location = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented by Yanhong Li at the 2023 School of Engineering Research Showcase, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.},
Alex Whelan*, Soham Phadke*, Alessandro Bellofiore, David C. Anastasiu. On-Device Prediction for Chronic Kidney Disease. 2023. Poster presented by Alex Whelan at the 2023 School of Engineering Research Showcase, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.
   author   = {Alex Whelan and Soham Phadke and Alessandro Bellofiore and David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {On-Device Prediction for Chronic Kidney Disease},
   year     = {2023},
   date     = {2023-02-24},
   location = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented by Alex Whelan at the 2023 School of Engineering Research Showcase, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.},
Yijia Li, David C. Anastasiu, Edgar Arriaga. CosTaL: A network-based algorithm for clustering high-dimensional single-cell datasets. 2022. Abstract and poster presented by Yijia Li at the 30th annual conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Madison, WI. Acceptance rate: 19.8%.
   author   = {Yijia Li and David C. Anastasiu and Edgar Arriaga},
   title    = {CosTaL: A network-based algorithm for clustering high-dimensional single-cell datasets},
   year     = {2022},
   date     = {2022-07-11},
   location = {Madison, WI, USA},
   note     = {Abstract and poster presented by Yijia Li at the 30th annual conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Madison, WI. Acceptance rate: 19.8\%.},
David C. Anastasiu, Gheorghi Guzun. Using Competitive Learning to Increase Student Engagement. 2021. Poster presented by David C. Anastasiu at the 8th Academic Technology Expo (ATXpo 2021), Berkeley, CA.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu and Gheorghi Guzun},
   title    = {Using Competitive Learning to Increase Student Engagement},
   year     = {2021},
   date     = {2021-10-04},
   location = {Berkeley, CA, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented by David C. Anastasiu at the 8th Academic Technology Expo (ATXpo 2021), Berkeley, CA.},
Manika Kapoor*, David C. Anastasiu. A Data-Driven Approach For Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2018. Poster presented by Manika Kapoor at the 2018 Grace Hopper Celebration conference, Houston, TX.
   author   = {Manika Kapoor and David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {A Data-Driven Approach For Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders},
   year     = {2018},
   date     = {2018-09-27},
   location = {Houston, TX, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented by Manika Kapoor at the 2018 Grace Hopper Celebration conference, Houston, TX.},
David C. Anastasiu. Teaching With Jupyter In-Class Activities: Lessons Learned and Next Steps. 2018. Poster presented at the 20th CSU Symposium on University Teaching, held at Cal-Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA.
   author   = {David C. Anastasiu},
   title    = {Teaching With Jupyter In-Class Activities: Lessons Learned and Next Steps},
   year     = {2018},
   date     = {2018-04-14},
   location = {Pomona, CA, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented at the 20th CSU Symposium on University Teaching, held at Cal-Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA.},
Ragwa M. El Sayed*, Rathna Ramesh*, Alessandro Bellofiore, David C. Anastasiu, Melinda Simon. Patient Friendly Kidney Function Screening. 2018. Poster presented by Ragwa M. El Sayed at the National Kidney Foundation 2018 Spring Clinical Meeting, Austin, TX.
   author   = {Ragwa M. El Sayed and Rathna Ramesh and Alessandro Bellofiore and David C. Anastasiu and Melinda Simon},
   title    = {Patient Friendly Kidney Function Screening},
   year     = {2018},
   date     = {2018-04-11},
   location = {Austin, TX, USA},
   note     = {Poster presented by Ragwa M. El Sayed at the National Kidney Foundation 2018 Spring Clinical Meeting, Austin, TX.},


Alex Whelan*, David C. Anastasiu. SPR. 2024.
Yanhong Li*, David C. Anastasiu. DAN. 2024.
Yanhong Li*, David C. Anastasiu. SEED. 2023.
Marcus Chavez*, Sean Leininger*, Joseph Pham Nguyen*, David C. Anastasiu. FlowView: Web application for model training, inference, and visualization of stream flow and reservoir water level predicted levels in Santa Clara County. 2023.
Arpita Vats*, David C. Anastasiu. RetailCounter: Enhancing Retail Checkout through Video Inpainting, YOLOv8 Detection, and DeepSort Tracking. 2023.
Yanhong Li*, David C. Anastasiu. NECPlus. 2022.
Arpita Vats*, David C. Anastasiu. Key Point-Based Naturalistic Driving Action Recognition (KNDAR). 2022.
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. TAPNN: Efficient Identification of Tanimoto Nearest Neighbors. 2016.
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. L2Knng: Fast Exact K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction with L2-Norm Pruning. 2015.
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. Orion: Multivariate Resource Utilization Time Series Evolution Analysis. 2014.
David C. Anastasiu, George Karypis. L2AP: Fast Cosine Similarity Search With Prefix L-2 Norm Bounds. 2014.